Source of Information:
Marcus Jones
Achieving large number of subscribers in 4 simple steps.
1- Look within: your own channel and results
2- Look without: other channels that do the same as you
Examples of successful channels
Search Terms (Umbrella Term)
start your own business
- Success Rate/ Business with high success rates
- This is a good one, as it talks about problems to solve and flips the idea on its head
- @garyvee
- How to start a business in less than 48 seconds
- @Entreleadership
- The best Way To Shield yourself from Lawsuits
- How To Start a Business – Step by Step Guide for Beginners
- 5 Steps to start your business
- TEdTalks
- TEdMAyo
- Mark Tilbury
- 7 Passive Income Ideas
- This is pretty cool to come up with ideas that your extra capacity labor can do to generate extra cash and some motivation
- The code bender
- Gillian Perkins
- Mark Tilburry
Light Bulb”
One easy idea to operationalize and get value out of this exercise is to make reaction videos about these high performing videos
3- Research Tab.. Get to filters and select the value to views of 600K plus, and then views subs ratio, and then look at how many views they got to each subscriber. Sub ratio should be 5. Now you look for the format of the videos.
This time you are looking for